Wednesday, October 31, 2007

gatto nero

Since my angel has left me to hang out with her bud’s in doggie heaven, I have been pretty deprived in feeling the animal touch. I won’t get another dog right now, because I’m not ready yet, and I have NO time to take good care of it, but I was thinking maybe a cat? I would get it as a kitten, bring it everywhere with me, and train it to be very affectionate. If you can even do that with cats…Ultimately I want it to fall asleep in the nape of my neck. How sweet would that feel? Seriously.

So I’m thinking I want a black cat. They get such a bad rep, but I think they are beautiful creatures.
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its my fave non-holiday... yay!

it SHOULD be a holiday...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

my girl Lily

...i'm all about dinero, like Pesci.

Mark Ronson edit feat. Wale... oldie but a real goodie. and Mark Ronson is Hohan's ex-gf's brother! small, small, world. i have nothing better to do with my time :)


I hate Tuesday's

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But you all have a happy one. I leave you with this.


Crap! i can't embed the video...

Offical vid from the Alive tour, composed using 250 cameras in the audience, from their Brooklyn NYC show.



Monday, October 29, 2007


coming soon (as soon as i stop being lazy...which potentially can take a while)

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i said i said
lower case g

Sunday, October 28, 2007

a must see-must must


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Sam Riley couldn't have been a better fit for Ian. The movie left us speechless, and uninspired. But in a good way. I can’t even express how much I enjoyed this film. Go see it, or else.

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This photo has Alexandra Maria Lara in it. She played the role of the journalist Annick Honore, who was Ian’s mistress. They fell in love during the filming of this movie. I immediately hated her when I discovered this tid-bit.

Just kidding. That’s not fair. But wait, neither is life, so I guess I’m justified.


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Friday, October 26, 2007

my girls

Robots... IAMX... la nuit!!


die day

So the Casby Awards scandal was successful. I spent 25 minutes in a bathroom stall waiting for people to be let in, but all in all it was a great night. I met all kinds of “nice” people, and drank my little face off. We’ll like 5 drinks, but that’s needed for me. I’ll post a few pic’s later.

My accomplice Alex
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Moving on. This week has been sheer craziness. As most of my weeks lately have been. Really just precious time that just disappears. Last night L and I spent the concluding part of the night trying to think of excuses to not go to work today, and why we deserve to stay home. We’re both at work today. Nuff said.

It’s Friday so that means it’s date night! L and I are going to watch “Control” tonight! We are very excited about this, and I’m sure I will blog about it tomorrow.

Oh wait no I won’t. Like I said time is precious, and I have very little of it. Tomorrow I will have to spend the day in Kensington finishing off my last bit of hallowing costume shopping. Mostly just for add-ons..or accessories as girls may call it. Then it’s off to the Halloween party. Yey and yey. I will be sure to post pic’s of my friends hilarious costumes.

Have a fab weekend friends.

I leave you with this
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Xxx kisses

Thursday, October 25, 2007

stunner of the day

Ok so Rob gets the hot spot today! He kissed some ass and scored us 7 tickets to The Steam Whistle Halloween party! Yey for him. Model, Baileys commercial whore, past Hit List vj, and top notch ass kisser.
Not just a pretty face.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


"consistency of one's integrity is key, all else can evolve and change for good or ill but integrity implies a geniune state of moral soundness. you can do nothing wrong to impede a relationship of love if it is your barometer. not all love is lasting though. the universe knows best."

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Stunner of the day

So looks like tomorrow nights plans are to crash the casby awards. One of my bestists bartends at the kool house, so we came up with a plan which entails me walking in with her and pretending that I bartend there with her. She will say I’m new of course. I love to be harmlessly sneaky.

I’ll be solo for the most part. I will be glue to her bar, but I basically am going by myself.

Wish me luck.
Leigh Lezark
from the Misshapes

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Oh I didn’t realize her boobs were fake… hum, I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Monday, October 22, 2007


We need to go to this. Problem is it’s sold out. Halloween just crept up without any fair warning as far as I’m concerned!

We need a plan????
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Also Laura and I are stressing large about our costumes. We had it all under control being “Coffee talk”, and honestly are costumes are pretty hilarious, but I think we are both already over it.

Too many ideas floating around can cause major headaches. A girl like me takes Halloween very seriously.


She Wants Revenge

cut and paste

This is the exact same story I wrote on my myspace blog, so deal, but with a different video.

Friday October 19th 2007-10-21

She wants revenge- The opera house….

The night started off pretty sketchy..Laura was supposed to come over my place first so we could have a few drinks, but something came up, so she had to meet me at the venue. I live like 4 minutes away so it was no real hassle.

I got there and was pleasantly surprised at the amount of individuals that were in attendance. Smart people. Adam was being superb from the very beginning. He was a doll and put us on his list, so that meant we were lucky enough to watch the show from backstage. Normally I would stick in the crowd but I wanted to be real close this time around.
The show was phenomenal as always. I adored every minute…

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There is definitely some favouritism going on in these shots. xxo

Saturday October 20th, 2007-10-21

Laura and I spent the beautiful day walking from queen west to east, to do a little winter shopping…Weird considering that it's been hot here this weekend. Anyways as per usual we lost track of time and had to rush home to get ready for the Iamx concert. I looked at the tickets as we all did, and it said doors open at 7:00, "early show". Ok no biggie right? Most bands usually go on almost an hour after the time it says on the ticket, and that's being generous, most band even longer. So we figure if we got there by 9:00 sharp we would maybe miss the opening act, but still have enough time to play catch up with each other and have a few drinks. Well, we were wrong. Dead wrong. We all arrived at 9:00 on the button, and proceed to walk into the Mod club. The guys at the door informed us that the concert was pretty much through. We laughed and kept walking. Then the girl who took our tickets said we were just in time for their encore!!!!!!!!!!!! I was instantly sick. Turns out she was right! We missed the entire show. I have been waiting for this concert for almost two months. I love Chris corner, and couldn't wait to see him live. We hung around for a bit, but I was beyond distraught by what just went down, so I couldn't quite move on from it. I spent most of the night outside, just sitting and reflecting on my tardiness. I went to chat with their tour manager, and he was asking me where he should take them to party after. He wanted somewhere where they played French or German music. I suggested a few places, but none which played either. I was just shooting names. I don't think I was even really listening to his response. I just wanted him to tell me everything was ok, and that Chris would stay in Toronto and play for me the following night. Well, I assure you that was not the case.

The gang decideD to go out after but I just couldn't get myself together. I felt horrible, and it was an undeniable feeling, so I went home at 11:30... p.m! The drive home to an empty home and bed hurt even more. I had no one to complain to????? Oh how heartbreaking for me.

I did manage to get some good pic's. To the naked eye it may even look like I was at the concert.

The drummer and guitarist
Clearly someone said something funny
Both dolls...
look It smiles! So much so that it looks like I doesn't have eyes.

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Rob said I would delete this picture because he said I look terrible. So instead I decided to post it on my blog. Kiss kiss

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I'm in love

This is Jarred Followill-From Kings of Leon

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This is that rat looking girl Cory Kennedy-kissing him.

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Nice face's girls

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AND...This is Caleb Followill-Frontman from KOL
Are you kidding me?

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Seriously now

So anyway I’m sick yet again, which leaves me plenty of time to binge blog as I’m doing right now. Just useless tidbits of goodness that floats through my mind, that I feel I should share with my loved ones…

I can’t wait for this weekend. I’ve been home all week, and that just kills a person like me..I mean I haven’t even walked to the store to get my groceries. I drove. Being sick really takes a toll on my social life. So Friday night will start with the She Wants Revenge Concert. I’m really looking forward to dancing hidden away in the crowd. The following night we have the Imax concert which is going to be off the hook…can I still say that? Ah can’t wait..

Happy Wednesday. xxo

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the farm

It’s a family tradition to trek up to our farm every Thanksgiving. I absolutely adore going, because I love to see all the colours of the leaves, smell the fresh brisk air outside, and hear the moo’s from the cows off in the distance. Well it is 2007, and it happened to be 31 degrees outside. so no falling leaves for me…instead….here’s what I saw…

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On Saturday since it was so beautiful out, my mother, sister and I decided to go check out the beach….here is what we saw….

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Poor fishy
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Mum's feet, Big Sister's feet, and little bear's feet..(I'm the lil bear)
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On the drive home the child in my popped out and we had to stop at this wonderful pumpkin patch I saw…

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Oh here’s a pic of my grandmother…she’s 86, and gorgeous. She was sleeping, but woke as soon as I snapped this shot.. sneaky sneak she is.. I learn from the best.
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Here are the lil buggers playing nice nice around the pond.
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We have an anciently old cemetery down the street, so I always like to take a trip there to read some of the stones…my mum came to make sure I did not disappear. Good mum.
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Turkey Time
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See why I love it so much?
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Till the next time..xx

Friday, October 12, 2007

a part of me is missing

Who ever knows me well, knows how much I truly loved my dog. She was my best friend in the entire world, loved me unconditionally, and was always there for me when I needed her.
She is now in a happy place and out of any discomfort. I miss her like crazy, but know that it was the best decision for her, as much as it hurt.

Rest in peace my angel. I will love you always and never forget you.
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Thanks to all my friends for all your thoughts and kind words, I really do appreciate them.

Who ever has an animal that they love, please give them a big kiss for me tonight.


Friday, October 5, 2007

No need to dissect anymore. Weeee!


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October 19th
Opera House
we kissed and made up

new love found

Albert Hammond Jr.

I woke up this morning and sorted though my roommates many cd’s for the ride into work this morning.
Turns out a gem was old gem (released in 2006) but nonetheless a gem. Apparently he played the kool house back in March, and I wish I would have loved him sooner.

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Yours to keep

Everyone gets a star
Blue skies
hard to live in the city


...straight outta Tokyo, Japan!

i loves the Shinichi Osawa, and its about time someone covered the Chemical Brothers.

(ripped off of Get Weird Turn Pro, as usual)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007