Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Last night I went for a walk in the rain. Well it wasn’t intentional. It started after I left the house. Walking is the only thing that can calm me down when I feel agitated. The rain felt amazing on my skin, and I felt much better when I got home. I decided to start rooting through old things in my storage boxes. I came across one specific box, that I was hesitant about opening….but did anyway. Of course. I found so many letters and pictures from people in the past. Cards, magazines, ticket stubs, things from sooo long ago. I found a birthday card sent to me from a “myspace” friend. I know right? His name is Ronnie, and he was probably one of the nicest, most genuine people I have ever spoken to. We had totally different lives, (him: a pro skater..me: just me) but enjoyed hearing about what was going with one another. We would tell each other everything, and we both felt completely comfortable doing so. We expected nothing from one another, and it was a great friendship. This whole process made me smile, and get extremely tired….

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Ronnie C.
(also my dad's name)

I decided to start the day off right this morning. I woke up early (early for me that is), take a hot shower, eat breakfast for once, and just take my time getting ready. It felt pretty good, I have to admit. By the time I got to work, I reached into my purse to grab my wallet for my routine morning coffee, and "lo and behold" my wallet is not there. Well, there went my perfect Tuesday. So far I have had little to no motivation. I just sit at my desk, listen to music, and click stupid internet sites, which make me feel crazy.

My computer is also pissing me off. Someone must have touched the settings, because now the font on my internet is gargantuan. I can’t even read my e-mail without scrolling back and forth to see all the writing. Ha. On a lighter note, today I’m dealing with a couple who are fighting like cats and dogs, over a haircut. The father cut their sons hair into a Mohawk. Obviously the mother was nun to pleased and now shit is hitting the fan. Normally I have to hear not very nice things, so understand that I find this kinda cute..It could be a lot worse. Plus I saw pictures of the little boy and he looks adorable, and is probably digging it. I laugh because my son is going to have crazy little haircuts like this…one day that is.

JessicaPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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