Monday, December 3, 2007

ho ho

It’s Monday and I never have much to say on Monday’s because I 'm usually on my worst behaviour. I assure you today is just like all the others. Earlier I bit into a sandwich that almost ripped my lip ring out. I’m in disbelief that my face did not gush large amounts of blood. Scores for me I guess. What I really had a craving for was this soup that the Drake makes. It’s tomato based, and amazing, and I used to eat it religiously, and I want it right now.

Today I felt a bit nauseous at work, which was not fun. I think it may have something to do with my drink choices from last night. I started with my favourite drink in the entire universe, the classic Caesar, ahh even typing the word makes my mouth water, then I had a glass of white wine, and then I had a Cosmo. Yuk. You should see my face right now. Nonetheless, I enjoyed them alllll!

Tonight I had to get shit done. Like basic everyday chores that I have not tended to in awhile. A long while. I did not do so. Ughhhhh.
But mostly importantly tonight was the night my family and I put up the Christmas tree, and other Christmas objects. This is usually a time where my sister and I want to rip each other's heads off. Not a far stretch from the norm, but its even worse on this night. Most of my friends know how much my sister and I strongly dislike one another. In fact she’s the only person I hate in this world. Ouch, I know. Oh get over it, it could be worse. Life is not perfect people. At least I adore my parents, right?

Here she is… (the tree, not my sister)
with my pretty mum, and....
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kisses, it's almost Friday


Anonymous said...

beautiful tree. beautiful mom. you love your sister - dont lie. and who is the man with the bum facing me decorating the tree...mystery...i think not lol

jessica said...

it's a mystery. and done.