Saturday, February 16, 2008


I despise packing. I usually throw as much of my favourite things (that can fit) into a luggage, but end up wearing less than 20% of it…except underwear of course. I’m most excited for the ocean. One day I will have a house on the beach looking out to the beautiful sea, and all will be perfect.

I can’t be happier that this week is over. It was pretty close to the most horrible yet, but I’m not going to dwell on it, just move along. Move along. Wait, one good thing did happen. I talked my way out of a parking ticket on Ossington on Wednesday night. I was in a bar and saw him from the window ticketing my car..I bolted out the door the like someone lit my hair on fire, and chased him all the way down the street in a tee shirt. Long story short he said there was nothing he could do, as much as I pleaded with him. I mean the last thing I needed was a parking ticket with all the other jazz going on. I moped back into the bar, and low and behold, he passed by my car and ripped of the ticket thinking no one was watching…oh silly I’m always watching. What a sweet sole. It was too late to go back out and thank him, so this will do.

Ok so that’s it really. It’s a bright and sunny Saturday but I’m still so tired, I know I have to get up, get some Americano mola, and pack. I’m off tomorrow for a few weeks of sand, ocean and ocean. Of course I’ll have my computer so undeniably I’ll be back before then.

Kisses to all my friends
photo: Bianca Brunner

1 comment:

Unknown said...

everytime i visit you, i scroll down to look at these photos.