Thursday, March 27, 2008

The happier I was the less people existed


ate 1 slice of apple
drank 2 cups of tea, finished neither one
listened to my sister talk about her wedding 34 times
answered 5 phone calls, 2 were extremely important
spoke to 1 complete stranger who was charged with assault
called 4 people, 2 in the morning, 2 at noon
did 2 loads of laundry
felt confused at least 5 times
said thank you 7 times
felt rage about 2 times
turned red because of that
cried 1ce for half a second
dreamed of Jamie Oliver 0 time
was stuck in traffic 1 time
wished I was in a different country 6 times
been told miss you 2 times
said miss you too 2 times because of that
felt like life wasn’t happening 2 times
added 1 link
loved no one
three two one


Anonymous said... "a certain someone's" blog and i always love reading his! a numerical take on life, si? in - ter - esting.

jessica said...

you gots it.