Thursday, April 10, 2008

het verdere leven

My friend gave me this pill that she takes when she’s having a panic attack, and i put it to good use last night before bed. I had court this morning so I was a tad apprehensive, so leave me be...As I was laying in bed, with my stomach against my mattress, I felt my heart beat slow down, and I felt really strange, but in a calm way….it got me automatically thinking that I was dying, and that I would be found tomorrow just laying there lifeless, and my autopsy would prove that the little white pill I took, in return took my little life.

I watched this movie WRISTCUTTERS the other night, and it got me thinking about heaven and where I would go after I die. I was baptised as a child, and went to Catholic schools most my life, but growing up I sort of did my own thing, and I guess you can say I’m not really a religious person…at all.

but now at my age is where I really wonder about this heaven place. I’d really like it if I could believe it existed. How rad would that be meeting up with deceased family and friends, and my precious angel buffy? But….and there’s always an annoying but, what if there was nothing, or nowhere to go? So weird to be thinking about I know. I’ve also decided that from this moment forward I’m going to believe that there is a heaven or something like it, where we go when we die, and enjoy a satisfying afterlife. P-A-R-T-Y...I mean it can’t really be over when it’s over can it?
Oh and RENT that movie I mentioned. It’s a great film, and it’s not emo as you may think from the title. Any Tom Waits lovers? he's in it too! reeeeent it!

Today’s so pretty out. Today’s a good day.
I leave you with one of my most favourite messes around.
Hedi Slimane

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great movie...i love that chick...whatever her name is....dark haired