That is not my hand : (
These were the perfect winter boots for me. They are high, black, and have a decent grip at the bottom. However, I decided to take my sweet ass time in purchasing them, and inevitably, they are completely sold out everywhere. Booooo. So then I saw that Jeffrey Campbell made a similar pair, and because they are half the price as the Burberry ones, I was also going to get the “Alexa” wedge bootie. (Yes it sort of looks like an orthopaedic shoe) Again, that ship has sailed, and they are gonzo. I guess I’m not meant to have them. Truth is “fashion crazed” chicks are on this shit the second they come out. Can’t compete with that.
the JC direct copy of the acne atacoma is sickening to my stomach b/c i love the atacoma's so much and WILL, WILL, WILL own them. i also think the JC alexas are brutal.
the JC knockoff of the burberry, the poland is pretty cute though.
i agree the alexas are hideous.
the other one, very nice. sorry you couldnt get it. maybe aldo will come out with a copy...
I picture the one’s you guys hate with cute knee highs and a skirt or shorts…Sort of like a Clueless outfit..Boop
i don't like the knock-offs of the original acnes but love the acnes, they're my dream shoe. last time i saved up for them they got sold out so here's to trying again, hopefully the 2nd times a charm.
everything about this version is better. more of a slope, better quality, better color, etc. acne = janet's lover.
oh man those are crazy hot! screw the JC ones. even the colour!
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