Thursday, November 29, 2007

its hard to soar with the eagles when you’ve been up with the owls

Words from gares 70 year old co-worker. Such a "one liner".
Now to go out tonight or not? As of now I'm tired, and I say hells no. But my mind changes more than frequently.
Ha, amazing. One of the lawyers in my office just asked me what the “stuff” is called in a cat’s bathroom box. I said well, it’s called a litter box, and the small gravel looking “stuff” is called kitty litter. He said thank you and walked away. What?!?!
he's totally getting a cat.
I love people, and the random questions they ask.
I leave you with nudity
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lower case g said...


Anonymous said...

That's an amazing ad.

Especially with the Queen of Fake - so fitting !!

Anonymous said...

i know right?

jessica said...

"it just slipped in once"

Anonymous said...


lower case g said...

WHAT slipped in WHERE?!! i know, right!?!