Tuesday, November 20, 2007

stunner of the day

for "L"
ok i said "L".
We’re the strong ones
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Arto saari.


Anonymous said...

Damn you have interweb crushes on all my good friends.

jessica said...

It’s sorta creepy if you think about it. (So don’t) But how was I supposed to know that you would become this crazy successful famous photographer?? I can’t be blamed.

Anonymous said...

How could you know?
How about how could you not...
You going to Coachella I read.
Hit me up and say hi. I'll be there with my wife and girls.

Unknown said...

Oh pishhhhh. I for sure knew.

I am indeed, and I’d love to say hey, and meet the gang. I’ll tweet you.