Thursday, December 13, 2007

So my fellow nine to fivers and I, often exchange e-mails throughout the day. Nothing serious, just witty banter back in forth to pass the time. For example this mornings conversation with Laura, was about coming up new lines to tell people that we want to kill them without actually using the boring word “killing”. Or at least I thought we were doing that??

Anyway I clicked on a forward message between rob and Laur. This pretty much made my day. It started out about the best music videos of 2007, and ended in this.

"so i had this dream this morning that i was in the show your mama, and obvioulsy i was up against a black guy, then when i got there, they all thought the joke was on me and it became a rap off. they started playing wu-tang and 2pac and i totaly KILLED him and everybody was shocked! haha, it was a pretty amazing feeling to wake up too...even though, in the real world nobody would give two shits. still hilarious, you should have seen me in the middle of that crownded circle all up in his face like "a thousand punks can hold me down yo!" basically, im the illist there is people....dont step

Our friend Rob by day
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and by night..
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and in his dreams..
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thanks to gare, and Lisa for providing me with perfecto pictures.


Anonymous said...

Bishop Money Gang :P

lower case g said...

see? THIS is why this blog is the centre of the known universe... my universe anyway. there are 8 planets: me, DeLib's, Liza, Lob, Laura, Craig, P4, Jangbang... and a few more. apologies if you're not a planet/heavenly body.