Thursday, March 13, 2008

it DOES sound better with you.

Thomas Bangalter & Alan Braxe = Stardust.

it came out 10 years ago! It's still the best "dance" (hate that name) song of all time.

from lame weddings to the biggest clubs in the world, everyone loves.


jessica said...

i've hated this song since i was 14it's on my coug list i think.
i still adore you though.
i just may poison your food on Sat. no biggie.

Anonymous said...

i agree with you gare, wicked wicked dance song. i got excited at work just listening to the opening three seconds. reminds me of my glorious gina days. good times, good times.

lower case g said...

Bangalter = 1/2 of Daft Punk, Alan Braxe's catalogue of music is phenomenal. 10 years!! still rocks. phew...

Unknown said...

Well first off, the music always sounds better with you hoie. Secondly, my scret goal is to record a track like this with Jesse & Al. Shhh....