Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Good morning ya’ll. Wait I mean all. I feel too much like Britney saying ya’ll. It’s Wednesday and that means its Wednesday! I still have nothing terribly exciting to talk about. I did however get a parking ticket this morning. I walked to my car to not only have that nice little surprise, but also a little yellow note to go along nicely with my bright shiny yellow ticket, a gentle reminder note from a fellow neighbor of mine, which read…. “This is NOT a parking space”. I looked all over for clues to whom it might be so I can confront them later on today once I have had a whole days worth of stress to let loose on them, but I was unsuccessful.

Have a nice day friends and foes.

I leave you with this.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

he has fabulous legs;)

vintage muse said...

perfect man.

Anonymous said...

there are two things in life that scare me: tutus and carnies.

ps - i want to know what the photographer looks like.