Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday bloody sunday

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Well actually I didn’t, but I definitely feel their excitement. It’s a good feeling.

It’s 12:44 p.m., and I’m still laying in bed. The sun is just pouring into my room, but I just can’t bring myself to get "up and at em"(or as I say up and adam).
What does that mean anyway?

I’ve also been meaning to blog all week, but also have not done so. Thank Goodness I have a wicked blog partner to keep the ball rollin while I’m MIA.

My weekend without a car turned out to be pretty eventful. I can actually manage without. I know it’s shocking! Well I certainly could not do it without my truly amazing friends, who thankfully feel bad for my ass. Thanks guys, I will forever be committed to driving your asses any distance when you shall need my assistance.

My good friend Janet moved to New York, about 4 months ago. I Was crushed when she left, but then remembered I can go visit when ever I wanted and I would have a place to stay, and a seasoned vet showing me the I quickly got over it.. kidding…anyways she unfortunately fell into a sticky spot and is now stranded back in T.O, and is not sure when she will return back..It’s a complicated story, but the moral is since we both hate our lives right now we thought we would get together and bask in each other’s misery. Isn’t that dramatic? I know, that’s what I’m going for. It’s more fun this way…moving on. She’s been house-sitting her friend’s place..which is more than rad by the by, and he just happened to have one of his parties sponsored by Yellow Tail wine. Um ya, so he had an obscene amount of wine everywhere. This more than made us happy. We cracked open a bottle each and went to town.

All of his electronics in the house were super complicated, and being assholes, so we could not figure out how to turn anything on. Music/TV. Drinking w/o music. death.

Two friends, two bottles of wine…her laptop playing our fav was perfect. And THEN HER COMPUTER DIED, and we were sitting in silence. That’s when we proceeded to the kitchen, downed some gross apply shit, jumped in a cab, and what feels like 2 minutes later were dancing with L and the gang at social. More drinks…the less I could see, or remember. A night of chilling, saying “were NOT going out tonight”, immediately turned into debauchery. But honestly I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. I didn’t have a care in the world.

It’s Now Sunday, and things must be accomplished. I need to go outside and go for a walk.. I need, I need..

A CAR!!!!



Anonymous said...

I think it's 'up and at them',
but I might be wrong. It's happened once before.

jessica said...

OMG, I've been saying adam for 23 years. That's embarrassing, yet humorous in a way.

jessica said...

up and at ’em

just checked

lower case g said...


Anonymous said...

tee hee, your pic says it all, i am getting all my lovely items TEMPORARILY back from NYC tomorrow.

my lovely YSL's, my Dolce Vita's, my cape, etc. all is good in the world when you got good shoes!!

loved this weekend but still recuperating!

Anonymous said...

thanks for clarifying