Wednesday, December 12, 2007

let's work it out

I want to start off saying that I’m feeling pretty content right now. Sure I got a horrible dye job this past weekend, and my hair looks like someone threw cheap orange paint on my head, and then proceeded to stroke it threw with their fingers, BUT I did end up finally purchasing my very own copy of..Troop Beverly Hills. The guys at HMV were laughing when they saw how happy I was when the girl found it for me. I explained to them that it is one of my favourite movies, and that I had been looking for it everywhere. They though I was nuts, and carried on to tell me all the movies that bombed, because shelly long stared in them…cashier: ”Ummm money pit, tom hanks, he-llo”. Jessica: “Whatever the movie rules”.
(thanks mil for checking, but i ended up being downtown and just got it there)

I’m also in high spirits because I got myself a bad ass hair cut tonight. Totally last minute, which means I was late..really late. The appointment was for 6:00, and I got there for 6:45. Traffic Traffic and more traffic. I jumped out of the car on a red light, and had to run down Bloor street like a bat out of hell, while my friend went to park.
I felt so bad. I hate when I’m tardy, but my hair dresser” Hiro”, is super wicked, and told me it was ok, and I believed him. We talked about Christmas, and he asked if I had family that lived in Toronto, & if I would be spending the holidays with them (ha, um yes, and more than just the holidays. joy.). I said yes, and asked him what his plans were. He told me that all his family is back in Japan, and that he is going to visit them in February. I felt so terrible. I wanted to invite him to Christmas at my house, but didn’t because that would just be weird. I could not imagine not being around family during this retarded season. It must be soo lonely. I hope he has good friends that will keep my man company this year. Ah life.

Anyway I’m exhausted, and want to be asleep in the next 20 minutes so I must get my daily dose of “missed connections” (sooo addicted), and get to sleep.

I leave you with this….A possible candidate for my next tattoo. I love cupcakes, colours, and pink frosting. Cupcakes and colours. That is all. I Can’t think right now.
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This chick has herself some pink skin.
And just because it says my name. Sort of.
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we're meant to be.
One thing: Amazing tee's anyone?


lower case g said...

the inside-the-lip tat is disgusting. does it look like you've always got pieces of left-over chocolate cupcake in your mouth when you're talking? nast. no offence, poodle.

jessica said...

gareeeeeeeee ;(

Anonymous said... true...grose

Anonymous said...

I like the lip tattoo. Really do. Go for it love.