Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just try to comprehend that which you'll never comprehend

Really I should be sleeping right now, but because of my wild unexpected night yesterday, I dedicated today to sleeping and having really weird ass nightmares, so now I can’t fall asleep.

Ok so I’m surprised at myself for not posting about this sooner.

It all started back when I was maybe 15/16, grade 9 to be exact, and I heard my first Garbage song. No wait I may have even still been in elementary school. Gosh I was ahead of the times.

In that era, jessica was the kid wearing dr. Martins, with bright pink hair, and thought she was such a bad ass at her Catholic Academy high school in Woodbridge. (I’ll post a funny picture of the pink hair later, it’s good material I assure you.)

I could go on and on but I’ll say this….Admittedly Is still love Garbage as much as I did when I was a little punket. This band will forever be a favourite of mine no matter how cliché it is. I adore Shirley Manson and what she has to sing about. She’s pretty darn close to perfect in my books. For tonight at least.

Hells one of my tattoos is a verse from one of her songs. I won’t tell you which one of course.

I’m totally 90’s tonight.


lower case g said...

i loves me the garbage too. drummer Butch Vig produced some of the most important albums of the 90s, which sort of helps explain WHY they're so good. he just did the Against Me! album too, and they may take over the world soon...

the end.

jessica said...

she like nd.
omg i'm kidding.