Wednesday, January 23, 2008

May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

I’m speechless. Really.
Too young, so talented, too soon.
I didn’t know him personally, but for some reason this just doesn’t sit right.

This is a trend that should be broken. Life really is precious, and we often, including myself, take advantage of our existence. I hate when I get like this, but it’s so true it hurts. It really makes me rethink a few things, and I’m sure a few others around me.
"You’re forced into, kind of, respecting yourself more. You learn more about yourself through your child, I guess. I think you also look at death differently. It’s like a Catch-22: I feel good about dying now because I feel like I’m alive in her, you know, but at the same hand, you don’t want to die because you want to be around for the rest of her life."
~ Heath Ledger
x-sad jd


Anonymous said...

i stopped by because i knew you'd do him justice. everyone at work is calling me "dramatic" for being so sad. F that. i'm sad. and that quote is freaky scary. sent chills up my spine.


jessica said...

Dramatic? When a celebrity dies some people can’t understand why others would even care. This however is not the case. When it hurts, it hurts, when it doesn’t, it just doesn’t’, and this well, Hurts.

He was no River Phoenix, and "people" need to take that into consideration.

Fuck them is right.

little one said...

Don't understand your River Phoenix comment? Feel story is pretty similar, talented young actor, world in his hands, couldn't fight the poison of the world.

Anyways, born in 1979.

jessica said...

River phoenix was a drug abuser, and that’s an understatement. Like heroin and shit, not prescription pills. I don’t think they are on the same level at all. Not even close. I’m not going to be in agreeance (yes it’s a word) about this at all, so let’s not talk about it anymore, cause this girl hates debating.

..thanks for the date correction, my bad.

vintage muse said...

im getting the same shit on my post - ppl are ignorant and want to belittle actors bc they apparantly DESERVE to die or something. Like i said in retaliation to a comment on my blog, i understand ppl die everyday, but when they are nameless and faceless and unknown, it's hard to acknowledge them - my mother is dead along with the other billions of women who got sick with cancer, but you cant go around using that fact to excuse or disgrace anyone else, even if he was young, and on drugs, and rich. his life's fuckn OVER.
im sad with you BIG HUG. (and a kiss).

little one said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jessica said...

janet's on our side! (little one) two different things are going on here. so all is good in jessica's blog land. love your guts.

done and done.
it's funny cause were all saying the same thing, but so differently.